söndag 1 februari 2009

25 random things about me

I was tagged in a facebook thing. I thought I might as well copy and paste for my non FB-friends.

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

1. I do not like people. Crowds of people that is.
2. I'm really really great at doing nothing at all!
3. I can watch several tv-shows simultaniously. Some say they aren't good enough, not me.
4. I have met the Queen of Sweden.
5. I have an odd bi-polar ambitiousness concerning most things. It's all or nothing. And all. And nothing.
6. I'm a bad looser. However, I'm an even worse winner. Yes, I'm unbearable.
7. I've been performing in several musicals during my high school years. Singing and acting has always been fun!
8. I have a bad memory when it comes to stories people tell me. That comes in handy being a priest, getting confessions and keeping the confidentiality. It is not that handy when friends expect me to connect the dots in things they have told me previously. A hundred years ago...
9. I hate being late. I plan my ways meticulously.
10. I have lost weight both time I was pregnant. After 9 months I have always gained that weight again though.
11. I don't listen to music much at all. Except when I have to -in church mainly. It's not that I don't like music, I just don't make the effort to turn it on.
12. I don't drink and drive. Well, I don't drive. And I don't plan to start doing it either. I like the green feel to it. And there's more interesting things to study for. Leadership for example...
13. ...which I'm taking a master degree in.
14. I have been on the board of the National Council of Churches in Sweden for 10 years. That's longer than almost any of the other members. And I'm still the youngest (not counting two of the substitutes that almost never is there).
15. I still get surprised from time to time, that I'm all grown up, married with two kids -that they let me keep!
16. I have studied several languages. English of course, german (only one year, we mostly sang German songs), french, spanish and hebrew. I'm only fluent in English...
17. I've had the pleasure to go on ride in a submarine. A yellow one.
18. I was an exchange student in Roscommon, Michigan when I was 16. A few years ago my younger host brother moved to Sweden, met a girl and had me wed them!
19. I can't get too many nice shoes.
20. Or too many nice bags/ purses.
21. I went to the movies before christmas for the first time in maybe ten years. My son and I saw Madagascar 2. I wonder when I'll go next time...
22. I've lived in four different countries. Brazil, Finland, Sweden and US (Michigan and NY).
23. I don't like sports. Of any kind. Not watching, not doing, no nothing.
24. Down hill skiing is not a sport. I like that. I competed in that. For a short while. Many moons ago.
25. I have had dinner with Desmund Tutu. He likes rum and coke. And strawberries.

2 kommentarer:

Katinka sa...

Kul utmaning. "5 saker säger ju faktiskt en hel del må jag säga. Och dina punkter är intressanta.
Ha en bra start på veckan nu.

Jeez sa...

Javisst! 25 saker tar desutome en stund att vaska fram ;-) Och du ska ha en bra vecka du med!